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Genealogy - Back to the Roots - Family Tree Tours in Maramures, Satu Mare, Cluj

Joe and Mary McKay from the US, California

  • Genealogy preliminary research
  • Family reunion and back to the roots visits
  • Family Tree Party
  • Family tree updates
  • Location: Vetis, Satu Mare
  • Additional touring - mountaineering in Maramures; Merry Cemetery of Sapanta, Wooden Churches, UNESCO Heritage site visits, Barsana Monastery, countryside, traditional villages, The Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance


 Tzvia Shakar, Eitan Litani & Family from Israel and the US (California and Minnesota).

  • Family reunion and back to the roots visits
  • Family tree updates
  • Location: Maramures - Sighetu Marmatiei, Craciunesti
  • Additional touring - mountaineering in Maramures; Merry Cemetery of Sapanta, Ellie Wiesel Museum, Mocanita Steam Train; Barsana Monastery, Turda Salt Mine, Cluj Napoca city tour; countryside, traditional villages, markets, household, and very good tuica, visinata and afinata tasting

 Smilu and Family from Israel

  • Back to the roots tour
  • Location: Satu Mare, Negresti Oas
  • Additional touring in Romania - mountaineering in Maramures; Merry Cemetery of Sapanta, Ellie Wiesel Museum, Barsana Monastery, Turda Salt Mine, Cluj Napoca city tour; countryside, traditional villages, Corvin Castle (Hunedoara)
  • Additional touring in Hungary: airport transfer, Budapest city tour


Why Choose Us?

We are native Romanian and Hungarian speakers, fluent in English, and can get along with Hebrew, Italian, French and German.

We are not geniuses, just went to school, pay a bit of attention, and have some good connections. Probably also helped the fact that Transylvania is a multiethnic region, nowadays with roughly ~ 60% ethnically Romanian people, ~ 20% Hungarian (Magyar, Székely), ~ 8 German (Schwabian, Saxon, Zipser), ~10% Gypsy, and under 5% Ukrainian, Serb, and other ethnical groups.

The situation was a bit different during the 18’Th and 19’Th century, when probably it was something like: ~ 40% ethnically Romanian, ~ 25% Hungarian, ~ 15% German, ~ 10% Gypsy, ~ 5% Jew and under 5% Ukrainians, Serbs.

I can personally say, as long as I know, that I am something like 25% German, 25% Romanian, 25% Hungarian, and not sure about the rest because one of my grandpa’s was born somewhere in Galicia (present day Ukraine) and there the situation was even more complicated .

We offer mainly custom services / custom packages which are basically a combination of multiple single services tailor made to the traveler’s needs.

It can be a complete package as a sightseeing tour, a guided heritage tour or a family tree tour, even airport to airport tours, but we offer also, as we call it, single services like:

  • Airport transfers from or to Budapest, Cluj Napoca, Debrecen, Timisoara Airports
  • Services of a private driver or other transportation services
  • Car rentals from local, flexible companies
  • Organization services
  • Training and team building type activities
  • Translations and interpreting
  • Research, representation or just consultancy

We call a service, a package or a tour as airport to airport all-inclusive when we plan the whole trip and organize for our travelers all the needed services from landing at a specific airport to taking off from the same or another airport.

In these cases we expect and meet our travelers at the airport terminal and say goodbye in the same place. “All-inclusive” usually includes:

  • Planning and creating a custom tour – itinerary, sites, objectives etc
  • All the necessary reservations
  • Airport transfers and all the needed transportation services
  • Guiding and interpreting
  • Assistance throughout the whole period of stay

In this way we can spare a lot of time and money and gain more comfort and safety.

We are flexible and always deliver considering your wishes. For example, a specific place or area might catch your attention and decide to stick around more than it was planned, we are flexible enough and can easily adapt to such situations or even more than that.

We prefer to guide and deliver information towards your curiosity and interests rather then follow a specific, memorized program.

As small business owners with several years spent also in multinational corporations we learned to value time.

Being passionate about history and with a rich experience in travelling across Romania and Europe we can promise that if you are interested we are able to widen your knowledge about our regions and about Eastern Europe in general.